Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I Have Loved You.

Late night.
Feelin' kinda mopey.
Praying that I would feel encouraged in some way or another. 
I pull out a little devotional called Jesus Calling ( if you've never heard of it, or read it, you need to go buy it!).
Anywho, the segment for the day talked about how God likes when we are needy.
He knows that we are in need of vast quantities of encouragement, blessings and provisions-- and He delights  in giving them to us! 
Then, I ran across the verse that I know I have seen a thousand times and usually say "Aww, how sweet God, you love me." But, I realized this verse says so much more about His love.

" Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you." 
- Jeremiah 31:3

Notice that the word love, is past tense. 

A set of parents comes to mind.
Over their lifetime, their children constantly approach them with their many requests, problems, accidents, faults and favors. During each one of these events, the parents have to choose their reaction, and how they will be affected by them; whether it be in anger, frustration, kindness, love, exc. 

Often times we think of God this way. That when we approach Him with something, He has to sit there and think about it, and in that moment, choose love. 
But the reality of it is, God is not surprised by what you do. He never has been and He never will be.
He is outside of time-- Our 24 hour day. 
God already CHOSE love when He sent His son to die on a cross so that He could be forever united to His people. 

God has already loved you for a lifetime. He doesn't just choose to everyday based on what you do or don't do.

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