Sunday, March 23, 2014

Africa? I think YES!

That's right! 

Zambia, Africa!

A few months ago, I went to an Overland Missions Conference here in Portales and the Lord really placed it on my heart to go on an expedition to Zambia, Africa this summer. It was definitely something I was not expecting, but now I am most certainly looking forward to it!! 

I wanted to go to Africa about 3 years ago but I wasn't able to find an organization nor a group of people to go with. But now, the opportunity has presented itself once more and its -- happening! I am beyond stoked to see the things the Lord has planned for this country and the hearts He desires to minister to and REACH with His love. 

The organization I am going with, Overland Missions, is all about reaching the most neglected and remote people of the world with the Gospel and empowering the third world church by raising up strong leaders to continue investing into the lives of locals. My team will be focusing on exploring new regions, building lasting relationships with the villagers, and empowering the local churches to reach their own people. 

I have to raise $4,800 by June 1st at the latest. I know this is a lofty amount in a short amount of time, but I also know that where God leads us to go, He ALWAYS provides the way to get there. So I believe wholeheartedly that He will bring forth every penny. 

I am asking for help with financial and prayer support! This is not merely an opportunity to give to a missions fund, but ultimately an opportunity to invest into the Kingdom of Heaven and be a part of God's work in reaching the people of Zambia and throughout the Earth! 

Any amount that you feel led to give is appreciated!! :) 

If you would like to give, there are two options:

1. You can donate online by going to When you arrive at the page, if you look on the right side, there is a 'Donate' button. Fill out the donation application and place "Kaitlin Kirkpatrick" in the Donation Memo portion.


2. You can donate by mail! Please message me for details on this one :)

Not only is financial support necessary, but also prayer support. If you would please keep myself and my team in your prayers as we go to Zambia to share the message of Jesus, that would be absolutely wonderful.

I am STOKED to see all that God has in store for this summer and for the region of Zambia--It's going to be amazing!! 

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